Friday, September 05, 2008

Amazing Grace - Sarah Palin

from, Peter Sprigg...
three profound misunderstandings of how social conservatives in general, and evangelical Christians in particular, think.
The first of these has to do with “moral values.” Yes, we believe that having sex before marriage is morally wrong (and dangerous -- conservative values are pragmatic, not just moralistic). So Bristol’s choice to engage in that behavior was wrong as well.
But while having sex outside of marriage is bad, deliberately destroying an innocent human life through abortion (no matter how that child was conceived) is far, far worse. That is why conservative celebration of Bristol’s decision to carry her child to term -- under circumstances where many would choose abortion -- outweighed disappointment over her sexual behavior. (Her announced intention to marry the father is also a plus, despite the unfortunate circumstances.)
This situation only underscores the sincerity of the Palin family’s pro-life convictions. Earlier this year, Gov. Palin gave birth to her son Trig -- despite knowing that he had Down syndrome, a diagnosis that leads to abortion in eighty percent of the time. Now, the Palins have again chosen life. When pro-abortion zealots say, “You don’t understand the agonizing personal circumstances that lead to abortion,” Sarah Palin can answer, “Yes, I do -- but I chose life.”
The second misunderstanding is about the role of women. The liberal stereotype of social conservatives, especially evangelicals, is that we think women should be perpetually barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, rather than pursuing careers and assuming leadership roles in the political realm. So shouldn’t a mother of five (including a pregnant teen and a special-needs infant) be a homemaker, instead of trying to govern Alaska or run for vice president?
Well, yes -- if she chooses to. Many intelligent, well-educated, accomplished women do choose to stay home with their children -- and they should not be accused of “wasting” their talents or their education, as they often are by liberal feminists.
But those women who feel that they are able to balance career and family, with the help of a supportive husband, have every right to do so. Some of the most distinguished leaders in the social conservative movement, such as Beverly LaHaye, Phyllis Schlafly, Charmaine Yoest, and Connie Mackey, are women and mothers.
The final misunderstanding is theological. Contrary to stereotype, Christianity is not a religion of condemnation, but of grace. The good news, the gospel, the “evangel” (from which the word “evangelical” comes) is that even though every one of us is a sinner, every one of us can also be forgiven our sins, because Christ took the punishment for them on the cross. “Grace” is God’s unmerited favor -- the love he pours out on his children, not because we deserve it, but despite the fact that we don’t.

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