Saturday, September 27, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Congress, no FOCA please...
Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia, Chairman, Committee on Pro-Life Activities, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops letter to Members of Congress on September 19, 2008 here.
It's all about control and strengthening of Roe v. Wade.
gravely concerned about any possible consideration of the "Freedom of Choice Act" ("FOCA," S.1173 and H.R.1964). FOCA would deprive the American people in all 50 states of the freedom they now have to enact modest restraints and regulations on the abortion industry.
It's all about control and strengthening of Roe v. Wade.
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Womb
Fr. Thomas J. Loya writes about 'The Womb' in The Theology of the Body.
We have spoken before in this column about the "genius of womanhood" which is stamped in the very language of the female body. This genius of womanhood holds the key to the most powerful force in the created order — femininity. The power of femininity lies in the one thing that distinguishes womanhood itself — the womb.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
K of C head admonish Biden
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Election Novena from Priests For Life...
O God, we acknowledge you today as Lord,
Not only of individuals, but of nations and governments.
We thank you for the privilege
Of being able to organize ourselves politically
And of knowing that political loyalty
Does not have to mean disloyalty to you.
We thank you for your law,
Which our Founding Fathers acknowledged
And recognized as higher than any human law.
We thank you for the opportunity that this election year puts before us,
To exercise our solemn duty not only to vote,
But to influence countless others to vote,
And to vote correctly.
Lord, we pray that your people may be awakened.
Let them realize that while politics is not their salvation,
Their response to you requires that they be politically active.
Awaken your people to know that they are not called to be a sect fleeing the world
But rather a community of faith renewing the world.
Awaken them that the same hands lifted up to you in prayer
Are the hands that pull the lever in the voting booth;
That the same eyes that read your Word
Are the eyes that read the names on the ballot,
And that they do not cease to be Christians
When they enter the voting booth.
Awaken your people to a commitment to justice
To the sanctity of marriage and the family,
To the dignity of each individual human life,
And to the truth that human rights begin when human lives begin,
And not one moment later.
Lord, we rejoice today
That we are citizens of your kingdom.
May that make us all the more committed
To being faithful citizens on earth.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Senator Biden admonished by Archbishop Chaput!
Public Servants and Moral Reasoning (pdf)
via, Ed Morrissey
"Abortion is a foundational issue; it is not an issue like housing policy or the price of foreign oil. It always involves the intentional killing of an innocent life, and it is always, grievously wrong."
via, Ed Morrissey
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Answered Prayers!
Blessed Mother, thank you for Sarah Palin!
from, Lee Culpepper
Palin is an answered prayer. She is exactly what America and John McCain needed. She is a proven leader. And leaders have an obligation to inspire others to do what is in the nation’s best interest.
from, Lee Culpepper
Friday, September 05, 2008
Amazing Grace - Sarah Palin
from, Peter Sprigg...
three profound misunderstandings of how social conservatives in general, and evangelical Christians in particular, think.
The first of these has to do with “moral values.” Yes, we believe that having sex before marriage is morally wrong (and dangerous -- conservative values are pragmatic, not just moralistic). So Bristol’s choice to engage in that behavior was wrong as well.
But while having sex outside of marriage is bad, deliberately destroying an innocent human life through abortion (no matter how that child was conceived) is far, far worse. That is why conservative celebration of Bristol’s decision to carry her child to term -- under circumstances where many would choose abortion -- outweighed disappointment over her sexual behavior. (Her announced intention to marry the father is also a plus, despite the unfortunate circumstances.)
This situation only underscores the sincerity of the Palin family’s pro-life convictions. Earlier this year, Gov. Palin gave birth to her son Trig -- despite knowing that he had Down syndrome, a diagnosis that leads to abortion in eighty percent of the time. Now, the Palins have again chosen life. When pro-abortion zealots say, “You don’t understand the agonizing personal circumstances that lead to abortion,” Sarah Palin can answer, “Yes, I do -- but I chose life.”
The second misunderstanding is about the role of women. The liberal stereotype of social conservatives, especially evangelicals, is that we think women should be perpetually barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, rather than pursuing careers and assuming leadership roles in the political realm. So shouldn’t a mother of five (including a pregnant teen and a special-needs infant) be a homemaker, instead of trying to govern Alaska or run for vice president?
Well, yes -- if she chooses to. Many intelligent, well-educated, accomplished women do choose to stay home with their children -- and they should not be accused of “wasting” their talents or their education, as they often are by liberal feminists.
But those women who feel that they are able to balance career and family, with the help of a supportive husband, have every right to do so. Some of the most distinguished leaders in the social conservative movement, such as Beverly LaHaye, Phyllis Schlafly, Charmaine Yoest, and Connie Mackey, are women and mothers.
The final misunderstanding is theological. Contrary to stereotype, Christianity is not a religion of condemnation, but of grace. The good news, the gospel, the “evangel” (from which the word “evangelical” comes) is that even though every one of us is a sinner, every one of us can also be forgiven our sins, because Christ took the punishment for them on the cross. “Grace” is God’s unmerited favor -- the love he pours out on his children, not because we deserve it, but despite the fact that we don’t.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Blessed Mother, thank you for Sarah Palin!
Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Thank you for answering our prayers!
We still pray for most voters (on the left and Democrat party) on November 4, 2008 will see the light most Republicans have seen since Governor Sarah Palin's speech on August 29,2008.
Thank you for answering our prayers!
We still pray for most voters (on the left and Democrat party) on November 4, 2008 will see the light most Republicans have seen since Governor Sarah Palin's speech on August 29,2008.
Monday, September 01, 2008
God Bless Gov. Sarah Palin's family
They have demonstrated clearly what it takes to be Pro-Life.
Lord, give them strength!
Lord, give them strength!
“Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We’re proud of Bristol’s decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support.”
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- Senator Biden admonished by Archbishop Chaput!
- Answered Prayers!
- Amazing Grace - Sarah Palin
- Blessed Mother, thank you for Sarah Palin!
- God Bless Gov. Sarah Palin's family