Saturday, July 28, 2007

Fr. Donald Calloway

frequent viewer of Marcus Grodi's Journey Home program, Monday, 8pm on EWTN. Last week's guest was Fr. Donald Calloway. What a miraculous conversion at such a young age! Twice on the show he mentioned Filipino women. A Filipino woman introduced his mother to Catholicism and five Filipino women taught him how to pray the Rosary.
When Calloway caught up with the Navy chaplain, the priest told him to go to church and sit in the back while he said Mass, and then they would talk to him. Donald did as he was told, waiting as a small group of Filipino women recited a repetitious prayer -- which of course was the Rosary. Then came the moment that changed his life. The priest came out with robes. Calloway thought it was some kind of performance. He had no idea what was going on. "I was amazed. All these ladies were kneeling and standing at the same time."
But it just clicked. All of a sudden, this young man -- this drug abuser, this runaway "knew" what was happening, that what was transpiring was a "real" re-presentation of what had happened 2,000 years ago, and that it was being poured out again. "Time ceased," he says. "I saw myself at Calvary with the faithful beholding the sacrifice of the lamb." Everything about it captivated him. He felt the Presence of Christ - knew He was there - as the priest held up the "white circle."
He was 20, going on 21, and "all I knew was that I was madly in love with God and Our Savior."

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