Saturday, November 18, 2006

Pope Benedict XVl said...

'we should exert ourselves in reconnecting these two parts of morality and making it clear that these must be inseparably united' (Morality of marriage and family with Morality of peace, non-violence, justice for all, concern for the poor, and respect for creation).
It is only if human life is respected from conception to death that the ethics of peace is also possible and credible; it is only then that non-violence can express itself in every direction; only then that we truly welcome creation, and only then that we can arrive at true justice. I think that we are facing a great task here: on the one hand, we must not make Christianity appear as mere moralism, but as a gift in which is given to us the love that sustains us and provides us with the strength necessary to be able to “lose one’s life”; on the other hand, in this context of the gift of love, we must also progress toward concretization, the foundations of which are still provided for us by the Decalogue, which, with Christ and with the Church, we should interpret in a new and progressive way at this time.
Read article here or Vatican website here.

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