Monday, June 05, 2006

The Third Secret...

From Sanctuario de Fatima website
Department of Information, International Bulletin "Fátima Luz e Paz" (Fatima Light and Peace)
Number 8 - Editorial
Here we quote the last words of the Secret: Underneath the two arms of the Cross stood two Angels, each one with a watering can in hand , collecting in them the blood of the Martyrs which was then poured out over the souls who were getting close to God.”
It was in the year 2000, on the threshold of the XXI century, that this secret was revealed to us. In Rome, every day about twenty thousand people pray before the tomb of John Paul II. In many other regions of the other continents, other tombs of martyrs are visited by many souls, longing to “get closer to God”.
This is the grace promised in Fátima for the XXI century. The Catholic Church has a special role to play in the redemption of sinners.
Fr. Luciano Guerra

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